This page contains information and payment options for ATT at TSKC’s Conformation Dog Show 10/31 & 11/1/25.

AKC ATT Testing

Event Fee: $25 per dog, per trial

Entries will be available beginning September 19, 2025 at 10:00 AM.  If entry limits are not reached, Day-of entries will be taken on site beginning at 2:00 PM on Friday, October 31st and Saturday, November 1st .

Entries are not complete until entry and payment are both received by the Trial Secretary. Please use the fillable entry form in the link below, fill it out on your computer, save the file, then email the PDF to Trial Secretary, Nikki Gonzales  Then scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the ATT link to pay for your testing.

Premium list:

Fillable Entry form:

(Tablets and phones don’t always work for the fillable form unless you install a free app from your Android or Apple Store from Adobe)

Show hours 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM each day

Pre-entry limit of 30 dogs per event. Same-day entries available until full.

Notice to Exhibitors-This trial is open to all breeds, including PAL and All American Dogs with an AKC Canine Partners number, who are at least 1 year of age. Dogs may wear slip collars that are on the dead ring, buckle collars, martingales and body harnesses in the ATT. They may not wear prong collars, head collars, e-collars, or harnesses that restrict the movement of the dog. Leashes should be 4ft. to 6ft. long and should be made of fabric or leather.

Date Event # Judge Address
Friday, 10/31/25 202406 Emily Wright, #112987 Springfield, MO
Friday, 10/31/25 202406 Misty Bowen, #115741 Republic, MO
Saturday, 11/1/25 202406 Lorri Sheets, #113567 Pleasant Hope, MO
Saturday, 11/1/25 202406 Jennifer Kimberlin, #110473 Republic, MO