Tri-State Kennel Club

Poodle with graduation hat

Tri-State Kennel Club is an AKC sanctioned club of dog sports enthusiasts in Joplin, Missouri, serving the surrounding area including southwest Missouri, southeast Kansas, Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma.

We offer dog training classes year-round in our fully matted, climate-controlled building for dog owners, handlers and their dogs. We teach you how to train your dog to get the behaviors you want using positive reinforcement methods that include using a marker and motivator. You will bond with your dog even more through this process, which will reflect in your dog’s obedience and love back to you.

Our classes are geared towards responsible pet ownership whether that is for the mixed breed or purebred dog. We also have classes that lead to participation in various dog sports such as Obedience, Rally Obedience, Conformation, Scent Work, and others. Our classes are 6 or 7-week classes.  Please check out our current class descriptions page for a complete list of available classes.

Tri-State Kennel Club, Inc. (TSKC) is a non-profit organization. Our mission revolves around responsible dog ownership. We welcome all breeds and mixed-breed dogs and encourage junior handlers as well as adults to participate in our classes and events.

We host several events each year under the rules of the American Kennel Club which include a two day all breed conformation dog show held in November in Springfield, MO.  This show also includes ATT Testing, CGC and Trick Dog Testing.  We hold a three day agility dog show at Lucky J Arena in Carthage, MO in September. We also hold 2 scent work shows, usually in April and September.  Our newest sport we offer is Fetch trials at our club.  Currently, those are in April and October.  Watch our events page for all upcoming events.

While we encourage membership, you don’t have to be a member to participate in our classes or events. Check out our membership page.