TSKC Fetch Tests 4/26 – 4/27/25

2 Novice & Intermediate Tests on 4/26 & 2 Advanced & Retriever Tests 4/27/25

Opens 2/5/25 @ Noon & Closes 4/18/25 @ Noon

For more information: Click for premium and payment info

Fitness Foundations for the Canine Athlete Seminar

Presented by Michelle Shadwick, CCAS

April 12, 2025 from 9:00 – 4:00 P.M.

For sport, conformation and active pet dogs

Click for Information, Payment & Registration

Tri-State Kennel Club, Inc. is a non-profit organization established in 1936.  Our main focus is responsible dog ownership to help you train your dog to become a happy, healthy and socially acceptable member of our community.

The club is involved in several activities each year. In addition to the two all breed dog shows, two scent work trials and three agility trials, the club offers fun matches and seminars, and tests for the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy program, Canine Good Citizen, Canine Good Citizen Advanced and the Urban Canine Good Citizen. We also have members who volunteer their time to train or judge for our local youth in 4-H at local county fairs. We sponsor a local therapy dog group and have a Tester/Observer for Alliance of Therapy Dogs, ATD.

Don't Miss Out!

Class schedule for 2025 can be found at this link:

Click here for Classes

Club meetings take place the second Tuesday of the month, starting promptly at 7:30 PM. Bring a snack to share and arrive around 7:00 PM to socialize with the Humans and the dogs.

Tri-State Kennel Club would like to thank:

Arrow Box Company of Joplin

for providing empty boxes for our Scent Work Trials!

With our continued partnership with Gensol Diagnostics in 2025, Tristate Kennel Club members will receive 20% off their first GenSol order with no minimum, when they use our exclusive code TSKC25.  Members also enjoy free first-class shipping on domestic orders of $75 or more within the United States.  Plus, once your first order is placed, you’ll start earning loyalty points on every purchase.

Click on the Gensol website link below to get yours!